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The book "Ashtaadhyayi Pravesha" is not available...
Mantrārtha-cintanamA lucid Samskrit commentary on
selected inspirational 25 Mantras.The
Mantras are chosen from Yajurveda,
Ṛgveda-saṃhitā, Kaṭhopaniṣat and
Arthava-vedasaṃhitāAuthor – Dr. M. JayaramanTable of content (selected)
1. स्वातन्त्र्यसङ्ग्रामिप्रियः मन्त्रः
2. वेदोक्ताः वाचः त्रयः गुणाः
3. औपनिषदः योगः
4. किं तपः?
5. अनुकरणीयाः के? -
kārikākaraḥThe famous ślokās in the tradition which
are useful to understand different darśanās
and the ślokās which elucidate meaning of
technical terms such as sūtra, bhāṣya, guṇa
etc. are collected and commentated
in the book. Author – Dr. Tilaka M. RaoTable of content (selected)
1. दार्शनिककारिकाः
2. वैयाकरणकारिकाः
3. लाक्षणिकादिकारिकाः -
AṣṭādhyāyīpraveshThis is a primer to study Samskrit grammar.
It presents the method of understanding
Aṣṭādhyāyī and its different sections with
various examples in lucid Samskrit. It had
been published in 2 volumes. The content
of this 1st volume is given below.Author – Tilaka M. RaoTable of content (selected)
1. अष्टाध्याय्याः स्वरूपम्
2. अष्टाध्याय्याः अवगमनम्
3. सन्धिः
4. सुबन्ताः
5. कारकाणि
Recent Highlights
VVSS president Prof. Ramachandra G Bhat
was felicitated on the occasion of Vardhanti
celebration of His Holiness Sri Shankara
Bharathi Mahaswamiji, on 19-08-2019 for his
contribution towards shastras. -
VVSS president Prof. Ramachandra G Bhat
was felicitated on the occasion of Vardhanti
celebration of His Holiness Sri Shankara
Bharathi Mahaswamiji, on 19-08-2019 for his
contribution towards shastras. -
16-08-2019 दिनाङ्के H V SHESHADRI इति
नाम्ना भूषितस्य भवस्य उद्घाटनं S-VYASA
योगविश्वविद्यालये जातम्। तस्मिन् कार्यक्रमे
वेदिकायां वेदविज्ञानशोधसंस्थानस्य अध्यक्षाः
प्रो.रामचन्द्र भट्टमहाभागाः उपस्थिताः आसन्।
अनेके गण्याश्च समुपस्थिताः। -
On 15-08-19, two books named
Mantrarthachintanam and Karikakara, were
released by Prof.Ramachandra Bhat and
Sri.Vamshikrishna Ghanapathi. Dr.Viranarayana
Pandurangi(KSU), Dr.Mahabaleshvara Bhat,
Dr.Jayaraman and Dr.Tilak M Rao were present. -
12-08-2019 दिनाङ्के बेङ्गलूरुनगरस्थे
पूर्णप्रज्ञविद्यापीठे संस्कृतदिनाचरणकार्यक्रमम्
आचरितवन्तः। वेदविज्ञानशोधसंस्थानस्य
अध्यक्षवर्याः प्रो.रामचन्द्र-भट्टमहाभागाः कार्यक्रमस्य
अध्यक्षपदम् अलङ्कृतवन्तः।